​Shetland Sheepdog’s UK & US breed standards in comparison

This page compares the two breed standards for Shetland Sheepdog: the British (ESSC) and the American (ASSA) standard. The two standards have been divided into 16 different subtitles and an additional interpretation/comparison has been written below the subtitle. The original breed standard descriptions have been added side-by-side as well. Remember that the breed standards can be interpreted differently and this page has only been made to compare the possible differences between the two standards.

​General appearance

​Both standards are looking for a small, long-haired working dog with symmetrical outlines which should be so symmetrical that no part appears out of proportion to whole. British standard wants a dog of great beauty, free from cloddiness and coarseness while American standard is looking for a sound, agile and sturdy dog. The word ”sturdy” makes a big difference alone in the two standards as it can be understood as ”strong” or ”powerful”, which the British standard does not mention in the general appearance. British standard mentions the importance of shapeliness of head and sweetness of expression, while American standard does not have any mention of the head at this part yet. American standard mentions the importance of masculinity and femininity between dogs and bitches.


Small, long-haired working dog of great beauty, free from cloddiness and coarseness, action lithe and graceful. Outline symmetrical so that no part appears out of proportion to whole. Abundant coat, mane and frill, shapeliness of head and sweetness of expression combine to present the ideal.


The Shetland Sheepdog, like the Collie, traces to the Border Collie of Scotland, which, transported to the Shetland Islands and crossed with small, intelligent, longhaired breeds, was reduced to miniature proportions. Subsequently crosses were made from time to time with Collies. This breed now bears the same relationship in size and general appearance to the Rough Collie as the Shetland Pony does to some of the larger breeds of horses. Although the resemblance between the Shetland Sheepdog and the Rough Collie is marked, there are differences which may be noted. The Shetland Sheepdog is a small, alert, rough-coated, longhaired working dog. He must be sound, agile and sturdy. The outline should be so symmetrical that no part appears out of proportion to the whole. Dogs should appear masculine; bitches feminine.


Both standards mention that the breed should be affectionate, responsive to their owner and it may be reserved towards strangers. British standard also wants the breed to be alert, gentle, intelligent, strong and active, while American standard only says intensely loyal in addition. British standard says that the breed should never be nervous, while American standard is a bit more precise saying that the breed should not be reserved to the point of showing fear or cringing in the ring. American standard lists temperament faults that also mentions nervousness (like in British standard), but also shyness, timidity, stubbornness, snappiness and ill temper. The biggest differences are that the British standard lists more of the ”positive” characteristics that are wanted in the breed, while American standard lists more of the faults that should be penalised for. This part of the breed standard is pretty self-explanatory, though the different words like ”alert, gentle, intelligent, strong and active” can be interpreted in different ways.


Alert, gentle, intelligent, strong and active. Affectionate and responsive to his owner, reserved towards strangers, never nervous.


The Shetland Sheepdog is intensely loyal, affectionate, and responsive to his owner. However, he may be reserved toward strangers but not to the point of showing fear or cringing in the ring. Faults: Shyness, timidity, or nervousness. Stubbornness, snappiness, or ill temper.

​Head, skull & mouth

Both standards want a refined head when viewed from top or side, which should be a long blunt wedge tapering slightly from ears to nose. They both also want a flat skull with no prominence of occipital bone, flat cheeks merging smoothly into well rounded muzzle, skull and muzzle of equal length with dividing point being inner corner of eye, topline of skull and muzzle being parallel with a slight but deginite stop, well-developed underjaw and tight lips, and lastly a clean scissors bite. British standard wants black nose, lips and eye rims while American standard only mentions that the nose must be black. American standard is more detailed when describing the jaws: upper and lower lips must meet and fit smoothly together all the way around, which does give an impression of a rather deep and strong underjaw – stronger than what the British standard is looking for. American standard mentions countours and chiseling of the head, the shape, set and use of ears, the placement, shape and color of the eyes combine to produce expression while British standard looks for the characteristic expression from perfect balance and combination of skull and foreface, shape, colour and placement of the eyes, correct position and carriage of ears. American standard is also looking for ”alert, gentle, intelligent and questioning” expression, which are not mentioned in the British standard. British standard is looking for an elegant head with no exaggerations. In conclusion, both standards do have a lot of the same in them when it comes to the head, but in the end the small differences make a big difference between the American and British shelties typical expressions.



Head refined and elegant with no exaggerations; when viewed from top or side a long, blunt wedge, tapering from ear to nose. Width and depth of skull in proportion to length of skull and muzzle. Whole to be considered in connection with size of dog. Skull flat, moderately wide between ears, with no prominence of occipital bone. Cheeks flat, merging smoothly into well rounded muzzle. Skull and muzzle of equal length, dividing point inner corner of eye. Topline of skull parallel to topline of muzzle, with slight but definite stop. Nose, lips and eye rims black. The characteristic expression is obtained by the perfect balance and combination of skull and foreface, shape, colour and placement of eyes, correct position and carriage of ears. Jaws level, clean, strong with well-developed underjaw. Lips tight. Teeth sound with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. A full complement of 42 properly placed teeth highly desired.​


The head should be refined and its shape, when viewed from top or side, should be a long, blunt wedge tapering slightly from ears to nose. Expression – Contours and chiseling of the head, the shape, set and use of ears, the placement, shape and color of the eyes combine to produce expression. Normally the expression should be alert, gentle, intelligent and questioning. Toward strangers the eyes should show watchfulness and reserve, but no fear. Top of skull should be flat, showing no prominence at nuchal crest (the top of the occiput). Cheeks should be flat and should merge smoothly into a well-rounded muzzle. Skull and muzzle should be of equal length, balance point being inner corner of eye. In profile the top line of skull should parallel the top line of muzzle, but on a higher plane due to the presence of a slight but definite stop. Jaws clean and powerful. The deep, well-developed underjaw, rounded at chin, should extend to base of nostril. Nose must be black. Lips tight. Upper and lower lips must meet and fit smoothly together all the way around. Teeth level and evenly spaced. Scissors bite. Faults: Two-angled head. Too prominent stop, or no stop. Overfill below, between, or above eyes. Prominent nuchal crest. Domed skull. Prominent cheekbones. Snipy muzzle. Short, receding, or shallow underjaw, lacking breadth and depth. Overshot or undershot, missing or crooked teeth. Teeth visible when mouth is closed.


Both standards are looking for medium sized eyes in almond shape, obliquely set in skull (American standards uses the word ”somewhat” in front of obliquely while British standard does not), dark in colour except in merles where one or both may be blue or blue flecked. There are no big differences between the two standards, just slightly different wording like ”almond shaped rims” in American standard while British standard does not mention rims at all.


Medium size obliquely set, almond-shape. Dark brown except in the case of merles, where one or both may be blue or blue flecked.


​Eyes medium size with dark, almond-shaped rims, set somewhat obliquely in skull. Color must be dark, with blue or merle eyes permissible in blue merles only. Faults: Light, round, large or too small. Prominent haws.


Both standards want small ears with tips falling/breaking forwards which are thrown back in repose. British standard wants the ears to be moderately wide at base and ears placed fairlyclose together on top of the skull, while American standard wants them flexible and placed high. British standard mentions ears carried semi-erect while American standard is more detailed and wants the ears carried three-fourths erect. Interestingly, the American standard mentions in faults that the leather should not be too thick or too thin. There are no big differences between the ears either, but rather different use of wording (”placed fairly close together on top of skull” versus ”placed high” is somewhat different wording for the same meaning – ears should be placed high on top of the skull rather than far apart).



Small, moderately wide at base, placed fairly close together on top of skull. In repose, thrown back; when alert brought forward and carried semi-erect with tips falling forward.


Ears small and flexible, placed high, carried three-fourths erect, with tips breaking forward. When in repose the ears fold lengthwise and are thrown back into the frill. Faults: Set too low. Hound, prick, bat, twisted ears. Leather too thick or too thin.


Both standards are looking for muscular neck of sufficient length to carry the head proudly. British standard wants the neck well arched while American standard only uses the word arched. In conclusion, the British standard wants a slightly more well arched neck than the American standard does, but the difference is not that big and it can – yet again – be interpreted differently depending on the reader.



Muscular, well arched, of sufficient length to carry head proudly.


Neck should be muscular, arched, and of sufficient length to carry the head proudly. Faults: Too short and thick.


Both standards want a deep chest reaching to point of elbow, well sprung ribs which taper at lower half to allow the free play of forelegs and shoulders, level back and croup that slopes gradually to rear. British standard also wants a graceful sweep over loins, while American standard wants a slight arch at the loins (a rather different way of wording for the same thing). British standard describes the importance of the length of body in this part as well, while American standard does not do it in this part yet. American standard mentions a strongly muscled back which is not mentioned in the British standard. American standard is again rather precise with listing the faults of the body.



Slightly longer from point of shoulder to bottom of croup than height at withers. Chest deep, reaching to point of elbow. Ribs well sprung, tapering at lower half to allow free play of forelegs and shoulders. Back level, with graceful sweep over loins, croup slopes gradually to rear.

Back should be level and strongly muscled. Chest should be deep, the brisket reaching to point of elbow. The ribs should be well sprung, but flattened at their lower half to allow free play of the foreleg and shoulder. Abdomen moderately tucked up. Faults: Back too long, too short, swayed or roached. Barrel ribs. Slab-side. Chest narrow and/or too shallow.

​There should be a slight arch at the loins, and the croup should slope gradually to the rear. The hipbone (pelvis) should be set at a 30-degree angle to the spine. Faults: Croup higher than withers. Croup too straight or too steep.


Both standards want blades sloping outwards to accommodate desired spring of ribs, equidistant elbow from ground and withers, straight forelegs when viewed from front/all angles, muscular and clean with strong bone. British standard also mentions that the bone should not be heavy, while American standard does not have this detail. British standard wants a very well laid back shoulder, while American standard is more detailed explaining that the shoulder blades should slope at 45-degree angle forward and downward to the shoulder joints. British standard describes how upper arm and shoulder blade should be approximately equal in length, while American standard does not have this detail but only mentions how upper arm should join the shoulder blade at as nearly as possible a right angle. American standard wants very strong, sinewy and flexible pasterns while British standard wants strong and flexible pasterns. In conclusion, the forequarters are described in a rather different wording and with importance to different details between the standards.



Shoulders very well laid back. At withers, separated only by vertebrae, but blades sloping outwards to accommodate desired spring of ribs. Shoulder joint well angled. Upper arm and shoulder blade approximately equal in length. Elbow equidistant from ground and withers. Forelegs straight when viewed from front, muscular and clean with strong, but not heavy, bone. Pasterns strong and flexible.


From the withers, the shoulder blades should slope at a 45-degree angle forward and downward to the shoulder joints. At the withers they are separated only by the vertebra, but they must slope outward sufficiently to accommodate the desired spring of rib. The upper arm should join the shoulder blade at as nearly as possible a right angle. Elbow joint should be equidistant from the ground and from the withers. Forelegs straight viewed from all angles, muscular and clean, and of strong bone. Pasterns very strong, sinewy and flexible. Dewclaws may be removed. Faults: Insufficient angulation between shoulder and upper arm. Upper arm too short. Lack of outward slope of shoulders. Loose shoulders. Turning in or out of elbows. Crooked legs. Light bone.


Both standards are looking for a broad and muscular thigh, thigh bone set into pelvis at a right angle, distinctly angled stifle joint, clean cut and angular hock joint and straight hocks when viewed from behind. British standard describes how hock joint should be well let down with strong bone while American standard wants a sinewy hocks with good bone and strong ligamentation. American standard is more detailed explaining that the pelvis and thigh bone angle should correspond to the angle of the shoulder blade and upper arm, and explaining that the overall length of the stifle should be at least equal the length of thigh bone, and preferably should slightly exceed it. American standard is more detailed all over compared to the British standard when it comes to hindquarters.



Thigh broad and muscular, thigh bones set into pelvis at right angles. Stifle joint has distinct angle, hock joint clean cut, angular, well let down with strong bone. Hocks straight when viewed from behind.


The thigh should be broad and muscular. The thighbone should be set into the pelvis at a right angle corresponding to the angle of the shoulder blade and upper arm. Stifle bones join the thighbone and should be distinctly angled at the stifle joint. The overall length of the stifle should at least equal the length of the thighbone, and preferably should slightly exceed it. Hock joint should be clean-cut, angular, sinewy, with good bone and strong ligamentation. The hock (metatarsus) should be short and straight viewed from all angles. Dewclaws should be removed. Faults: Narrow thighs. Cow-hocks. Hocks turning out. Poorly defined hock joint.


Both standards want oval feet with toes fitting tightly/close together. British standard wants soles well padded, while American standard wants pads deep and tough, and nails hard and strong. American standard wants well arched toes while British standard wants toes arched. There are no big differences in this part of the standard, just slight differences in wording and more details in the American standard.



Oval, soles well padded, toes arched and close together.


Feet should be oval and compact with the toes well arched and fitting tightly together. Pads deep and tough, nails hard and strong. Faults: Feet turning in or out. Splay feet. Hare feet. Cat feet.


Both standards agree that the tail should never be kinked or curved forward over the level of back, while it can be slightly raised when moving. Both standards also look for a tail that is long enough to reach to at least the hock joint. British standard is looking for a low set tail with abundant hair and slight upward sweep. American standard is looking for a sufficiently long tail which can be carried straight down or in a slight upward curve. British standard is slightly more detailed wanting the low set tail with abundant hair and slight upward sweep, which are not mentioned in the American standard.



Set low; tapering bone reaches to at least hock; with abundant hair and slight upward sweep. May be slightly raised when moving but never over level of back. Never kinked.


The tail should be sufficiently long so that when it is laid along the back edge of the hind legs the last vertebra will reach the hock joint. Carriage of tail at rest is straight down or in a slight upward curve. When the dog is alert the tail is normally lifted, but it should not be curved forward over the back. Faults: Too short. Twisted at end.


American standard goes very deeply in detail with the explanation of the correct movement. Both standards want a smooth movement with no stiffiness and with drive from hindquarters. Both standards describe the same faults which are highly undesirable, while American standard does list more faults than the British standard does. American standard describes how the correct movement is dependent upon correct angulation, musculation and ligamentation of the entire hindquarter, while the reach of stride of the foreleg is dependent upon correct angulation, musculation and ligamentation of the forequarters as well. The correct width of chest and construction of rib cage is also important for the correct movement. Both standards describe the movement as covering the maximum amount of ground but in slightly different words. American standard also goes in detail how the movement should look like when viewed from front. In conclusion, the standards are looking for the same type of smooth and lithe movement, but American standard goes much more deeply in detail to describe the correct movement as well as possible.



Lithe, smooth and graceful with drive from hindquarters, covering the maximum amount of ground with the minimum of effort. Pacing, plaiting, rolling, or stiff, stilted, up and down movement highly undesirable.


The trotting gait of the Shetland Sheepdog should denote effortless speed and smoothness. There should be no jerkiness, nor stiff, stilted, up-and-down movement. The drive should be from the rear, true and straight, dependent upon correct angulation, musculation, and ligamentation of the entire hindquarter, thus allowing the dog to reach well under his body with his hind foot and propel himself forward. Reach of stride of the foreleg is dependent upon correct angulation, musculation and ligamentation of the forequarters, together with correct width of chest and construction of rib cage. The foot should be lifted only enough to clear the ground as the leg swings forward. Viewed from the front, both forelegs and hindlegs should move forward almost perpendicular to ground at the walk, slanting a little inward at a slow trot, until at a swift trot the feet are brought so far inward toward center line of body that the tracks left show two parallel lines of footprints actually touching a center line at their inner edges. There should be no crossing of the feet nor throwing of the weight from side to side. Faults: Stiff, short steps, with a choppy, jerky movement. Mincing steps, with a hopping up and down, or a balancing of weight from side to side (often erroneously admired as a ”dancing gait” but permissible in young puppies). Lifting of front feet in hackney-like action, resulting in loss of speed and energy. Pacing gait.


Both standards are looking for a double coat with the outer coat consisting of long, straight and harsh-textured hair, while undercoat being soft. American standard wants a furry and dense undercoat while British standard wants it short and close. Hair on face should be smooth according to both standards. British standard wants a very abundant mane and frill, while American standard is looking for an abundant mane and frill which is particularly impressive in males. Both standards want feathered forelegs and smooth hock joints. British standard is looking for hind legs which are profusely covered in hair, while American standard wants heavily covered hind legs. British standard says that the coat should fit the body and not dominate or detract from the outline of the dog, while American standard does not have any notes on the outline. Both standards list a smooth coat as a fault.



Double; outer coat of long hair, harsh-textured and straight. Undercoat soft, short and close. Mane and frill very abundant, forelegs well feathered. Hind legs above hocks profusely covered with hair, below hocks fairly smooth. Face smooth. The coat should fit the body and not dominate or detract from the outline of the dog. Smooth-coated specimens highly undesirable.


The coat should be double, the outer coat consisting of long, straight, harsh hair; the undercoat short, furry, and so dense as to give the entire coat its ”standoff” quality. The hair on face, tips of ears and feet should be smooth. Mane and frill should be abundant, and particularly impressive in males. The forelegs well feathered, the hind legs heavily so, but smooth below the hock joint. Hair on tail profuse. Note: Excess-hair on ears, feet, and on hocks may be trimmed for the show ring. Faults: Coat short or flat, in whole or in part; wavy, curly, soft or silky. Lack of undercoat. Smooth-coated specimens.


Both standards list the same acceptable colours for Sheltie: sable, tricolour, blue merle (with and without tan), black & white and black & tan. British standard describes in detail how the different colours should look like, while American standard goes more deeply into the faults and how the colours should not look like. British standard is very precise with the amount of acceptable white and where the white markings may appear, while American standard is not as precise but mentions that specimens with more than 50 percent white shall be severely penalised.



Sable: clear or shaded, any colour from pale gold to deep mahogany, in its shade, rich in tone. Wolf-sable and grey undesirable. Tricolour: intense black on body, rich tan markings preferred. Blue Merle: clear silvery blue, splashed and marbled with black. Rich tan marking preferred but absence not penalised. Heavy black markings, slate or rusty tinge in either top or undercoat highly undesirable; general effect must be blue. Black and White, and Black and Tan: also recognised colours. White markings may appear (except on black and tan) in blaze, collar and chest, frill, legs and tip of tail. All or some white markings are preferred (except on black and tan) but absence of these markings not to be penalised. Patches of white on body highly undesirable.


Black, blue merle, and sable (ranging from golden through mahogany); marked with varying amounts of white and/or tan. Faults: Rustiness in a black or a blue coat. Washed-out or degenerate colors, such as pale sable and faded blue. Self-color in the case of blue merle, that is, without any merling or mottling and generally appearing as a faded or dilute tri-color. Conspicuous white body spots. Specimens with more than 50 percent white shall be so severely penalized as to effectively eliminate them from competition. Disqualification: Brindle.

Size (& proportion)

This part describes the proportions in the American standard, while the British standard described the proportions already in the subtitle ”Body”. The description is more detailed than the British standards description for proportions, but both standards do want a longer body than the height is. For size, British standard allows the dogs to be from 34.5 cms (13.5 ins) to 39.5 cms (15.5 ins) where the ideal being 37 cms (14.5 ins), and it allows the bitches to be 33 cms (13 ins) to 38 cms (15 ins) where the ideal being 35.5 cms (14 ins). American standard does not differentiate dogs and bitches, but only says that the Sheltie should stand between 13 to 16 ins (33.02 to 40.64 cms). This is a 1.1 cms or 0.5 ins difference at the higher end – meaning that the American standard allows Shelties to be slightly bigger than the British standard does. Both standards allow the lower end to be 33 cms (13 ins) (but for bitches only by the British standard, dogs are not allowed to be this small).



Ideal height at withers: dogs: 37 cms (14.5 ins); bitches: 35.5 cms (14 ins). More than 2.5 cms (1 in) above or below these heights highly undesirable.


The Shetland Sheepdog should stand between 13 and 16 inches (33.02 to 40.64 cms) at the shoulder. Note: Height is determined by a line perpendicular to the ground from the top of the shoulder blades, the dog standing naturally, with forelegs parallel to line of measurement. Disqualifications: Heights below or above the desired size range are to be disqualified from the show ring.

​In overall appearance, the body should appear moderately long as measured from shoulder joint to ischium (rearmost extremity of the pelvic bone), but much of this length is actually due to the proper angulation and breadth of the shoulder and hindquarter, as the back itself should be comparatively short.


American standard describes faults in every subtitle above and goes in detail, while British/FCI standard only mentions in the end of the standard that ”any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.” British standard leaves a lot more to be interpreted by the reader of the standard, which means that a serious fault for someone else might only be a minor fault for someone else reading the exact same standard. Standards in general can be interpreted in different ways by different people which is problematic when breeding and judging dogs. American standard goes much more in detail explaining all the faults that are highly undesirable, having two things as disqualifications: heights below or above the desired size range, and brindle colour.



Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. Disqualifying faults (FCI standard): Aggressive or overly shy. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities. Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


Faults are mentioned in every subtitle above. Disqualifications: Heights below or above the desired size range, i.e., 13-16 inches. Brindle color.

​In conclusion

The main differences between the two standards are withing the general appearance, charasteristics, head, coat and size. American standard was more detailed when describing forequarters, hindquarters and gait. British standard does not list faults like the American standard does.

In general appearance, American standard is looking for a ”sound, agile and sturdy dog”. Sturdy generally means ”strongly and solidly built”. Mention of ”sturdy” is not found in the British standard, as it wants ”a dog of great beauty, free from cloddiness and coarseness”. This can mean that the American Shelties are generally more sturdily built, as sturdiness is what the standard is looking for. British standard mentions the importance of shapeliness of head and sweetness of expression, while American standard does not have any mention of the head at general appearance yet. This highlights the importance of the correct expression in the British standard.

In characteristics and temperament, the British standard lists more desired characteristics than the American standard does. Both standards do mention some of the same things as ”reserved towards strangers”, but British standard lists ”alert, gentle, intelligent, strong, active, affectionate and responsive to owner” when American standard lists ”intensely loyal, affectionate, responsive to owner”. This might lead to different kind of temperaments between these two types, but as dogs are individuals there will always be seen many different types of temperaments in both types.

In head, skull & mouth the American standard is more detailed when describing the jaws. ”Upper and lower lips must meet and fit smoothly together all the way around”, which does give an impression of a rather deep and strong underjaw – most likely stronger than what the British standard is looking for as they only mention ”jaws level, clean, strong with well-developed underjaw”. American standard mentions countours and chiseling of the head, the shape, set and use of ears, the placement, shape and color of the eyes combine to produce expression while British standard looks for the characteristic expression from perfect balance and combination of skull and foreface, shape, colour and placement of the eyes, correct position and carriage of ears. American standard is also looking for ”alert, gentle, intelligent and questioning” expression, which are not mentioned in the British standard. British standard is looking for an elegant head with no exaggerations. In conclusion, both standards do have a lot of the same in them when it comes to the head, but in the end the small differences make a big difference between the American and British shelties typical expressions.

In coat, American standard wants a furry and dense undercoat while British standard wants it short and close. British standard wants a very abundant mane and frill, while American standard is looking for an abundant mane and frill which is particularly impressive in males. This is already an important difference between the standards. British standard wants a very abundant mane and frill, while American standard is looking for an abundant mane and frill which is particularly impressive in males. British standard is looking for hind legs which are profusely covered in hair, while American standard wants heavily covered hind legs. British standard says that the coat should fit the body and not dominate or detract from the outline of the dog, while American standard does not have any notes on the outline. These words and way of wording can make a huge difference between these two standards and their ideal coats.

In size, the British standard has more strict rules for dogs and bitches while American standard does not differentiate them two. The two standards have the same lower end height – 33 cms or 13 ins. In the higher end, the maximum allowed size for dogs in British standard is 39.5 cms or 15.5 ins and in American standard for all genders it is 40.64 cms or 16 ins. This is a 1.1 cms or 0.5 ins difference at the higher end – the American standard allows Shelties to be slightly bigger than the British standard does.

Generally the American standard is way more in detail explaining rather precisely what kind of hind and rear angulation or overall correct movement is wanted from the ideal Sheltie. British standard is generally shorter in description, but both of the standards have several things that mean exactly or almost the same but are worded slightly differently. For example most of the head, skull, eyes, ears, neck, body, feet, tail and colour were close to each other in both standards.

I would like to thank Mathilde Blondeel for kindly letting me use her illustrations in this comparison.