Geenitestaus & laboratorioita – Genetic testing & laboratories

​Geenitestauksen avulla voidaan selvittää, onko koira geneettisesti terve, kantaja tai sairas tietylle sairaudelle. Geenitesteihin tarvitaan koiran soluja, joista löytyy sen geneettistä materiaalia eli DNA:ta. Näitä soluja voidaan saada esimerkiksi koiran posken limakalvolta, ja on hyvin yleistä ottaa poskisoluharjoilla näytteet ja lähettää ne tutkivalle laboratoriolle. Myös verinäytteestä tai juurellisista karvoista voidaan tutkia koiran genomia. Geenitestejä on hyvä käyttää vain yhtenä osana koirien terveystutkimusta, eikä ne kerro kaikkea koiran terveydentilasta tai sen jalostusarvosta.

Genetic testing can be used to determine if a dog is genetically clear, a carrier or affected for a certain genetic disease. To perform a genetic test, dog’s cells are needed as they include the genetic material also called the DNA. These cells can be obtained for example from the mucous membrane of the dog’s cheek, and it is a very common practice to do the sampling with buccal swabs and send them to a reasearch laboratory. A dog’s genome can also be examined from a blood sample or a hair sample including hair roots. Genetic tests should only be used as one part of the health examinations, and they don’t tell everything about a dog’s health status or its breeding value.

Merkittävimmät geenitestattavat sairaudet shetlanninlammaskoirilla - Most significant genetic tests for Shetland Sheepdogs

CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
BBS2-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
Dermatomyositis (DMS)
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
vWD Type III (von Willebrand)
​​​Maxillary Canine-Tooth Mesioversion (Lance Canines)

Testattavissa, mutta merkittävyys ei vielä tiedossa - Possible to test, but significance not known yet

Paroxysmal Exercise-Induced Dyskinesia (PED)

Laboratoriot Euroopassa - Laboratories in Europe

Tarkista ajankohtaiset hinnat laboratorion nettisivulta. Suurin osa laboratorioista suorittaa myös värilokustestejä.
​Check current prices from the laboratory website. Most of the laboratories run colour locus tests as well.

Animal Genetics UK –
Price list & available tests & bundle for Shelties
✔️ CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
✔️ BBS2-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)

✔️ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)

EVG molekularna diagnostika SI –
Price list & available tests & bundles for Shelties
✔️ CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
✔️ BBS2-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)

✔️ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)

Laboklin UK –
Price list & available tests & bundles for Shelties
✔️ CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
✔️ BBS2-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)

✔️ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)

Slovgen SK – 
Price list & available tests & bundles available, search for ”SHET”
✔️ CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
✔️ BBS2-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)

✔️ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)

Zoogen RUS –
Price list & available tests
CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
 BBS2-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)
✔️ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)
✔️ Maxillary Canine-Tooth Mesioversion (Lance Canines)​

Genomia CZ – 
Price list & available tests & bundles for Shelties
✔️ CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
❌ BBS2-PRA (
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)
❌ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)

​Tilia Laboratories CZ –
Price list & available tests
CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
❌ BBS2-PRA (
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)
 Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)

Animal DNA Diagnostics UK –
Price list & available tests
CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
❌ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
​❌ BBS2-PRA (
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)
 Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
 vWD Type III (von Willebrand)


​Suomessa testaavat laboratoriot – Exclusive to Finland

Labogen FIN –
Hinnasto, yhdistelmäpaketti saatavilla
✔️ CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
✔️ BBS2-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)

✔️ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)

Movet FIN –
✔️ CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
❌ BBS2-PRA (
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)
 Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)


​Laajat geenitestit – Genetic testing panels

MyDogDNA –
Price & more information
CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
​✔️ BBS2-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)

✔️ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
✔️ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)
➕ Includes a full colour panel and several other traits

​Wisdom Panel UK –
Wisdom Panel Essential
❌ CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
❌ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
❌ BBS2-PRA (
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)
❌ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
❌ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)
 Includes a full colour panel and several other traits

Wisdom Panel Premium
❌ CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly)
✔️ MDR1 (Multidrug Resistance)
✔️ CNGA1-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
 BBS2-PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Bardet-Bield Syndrome 2)
❌ Dermatomyositis (DMS)
❌ Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) exon 2
✔️ vWD Type III (von Willebrand)
 Includes a full colour panel and several other traits