Elinikä | Life span 6 years 10 months
Mustavalkoinen narttu | Black and white female
Säkäkorkeus 35 cm | Height 13.8 inches
Kasvattaja | Breeder Sue Walker, kennel Tooralie
Omistaja | Owner Oona Pesonen, kennel Shelegian
Q-pentueen emä | Dam of litter Q
S-pentueen emä | Dam of litter S
Dream-pentueen emä | Dam of litter Dream
Terveystietoja | Health information
Silmät terveet | Eyes ok, no evidence of inherited eye diseases (06/2023)
Lonkat | Hips FCI PKU C/C (06/2023)
Lonkat | Hips ANKC 4/3 = 7, B/A (06/2023)
Kyynärät | Elbows 0/0 (06/2023)
Selkä | Spine LTV4 (L8, oireeton/symptomless), VA0, SP0 (06/2023)
Polvet | Patellar luxation 0/0 (06/2023)
Sydän sivuääni kuuluu 1/6, epävirallinen| Heart auscultation murmur can be heard 1/6, unofficial
Yksi hammas (P2) puuttuu yläoikealta | One P2 tooth missing upper right
Saksipurenta | Scissor bite
Steriloitu hätäsektion yhteydessä | Spayed during emergency c-section
Sappirakko ultrattu terveeksi | Gallbladder ultrasounded, healthy (02/2024)
Kuolinsyy susp. harvinainen autoimmuuni/immuunvälitteinen sairaus, lopetettu | Cause of death susp. rare autoimmune/immune-mediated disease, PTS
Genetiikka | Genetics
Vanhempien perusteella CEA-kantaja | CEA carrier by parentage
MDR1 -/- altis | affected (12/2018)
Hieman Nanettesta - A little bit about Nanette
Nanette on upea mustavalkoinen narttu, joka on erittäin ihmisrakas ja ystävällinen. Se on hieman dominoiva lauman muita narttuja kohtaan, mutta ei osoita kuitenkaan suurta terävyyttä. Nanette on hyvin oppinut Suomessa hihnalenkeillä siihen, että ohitustilanteissa ei aleta haukkumaan, vaan ohitukset tehdään kauniisti. Näyttelypaikoilla se on hyvin ja kohtaa vieraat koirat ystävällisesti, jos ne eivät ryntää odottamatta sen luokse – tällöin se saataa alkaa haukkumaan, että älä tule lähelle (en ole varma, onko sillä nuoruudessa käynyt joku välikohtaus, missä isompi koira on hyökännyt sitä kohti, sillä etenkin isoja koiria kohtaan se on aavistuksen epävarmempi, pienet koirat ovat ok). Nanette on erittäin viisas sekä aavistuksen vilkas, ja siitä olisi nuorempana varmasti ollut esimerkiksi agilityyn tai muihin harrastukiin, jos se olisi ollut harrastuskodissa.
Nanette on rauhallinen yksinolojen ajan, eikä ole koskaan osoittanut eroahdistusta. Se on myös kotona paljon omissa oloissaan, mutta tykkää myös ihmis- ja koiraseurasta. Se on siis jonkin verran itsenäinen, mutta myös helposti motivoitavissa ihmisen kanssa tekemään. Nanette on mielestäni erittäin tasapainoinen narttu, ja tykkään sen luonteesta todella suuresti.
Nanetten kuolinsyy - Cause of death
Nanette oli ollut alakuloisempi ja nukkunut enemmän, eikä halunnut enää leikkiä muiden koirieni kanssa. Se alkoi myös osoittamaan aggressiota vieraita koiria kohtaan. Nanettea tutkittiin keväästä 2024 alkaen todella laajasti, ja eläinlääkäriin meni paljon rahaa, ilman että saimme selkeää diagnoosia. Kipuoireita selkeästi oli, aggression ja liikkumishaluttomuuden kautta. Laajassa terveystarkastuksessa löydettiin kipuoireita alaselän/lonkkien alueelta sekä sydämestä sivuääni 1/6.
Lopetusta edeltävänä viikonloppuna Nanetten kunto romahti, sen ikenet menivät vitivalkoisiksi ja se alkoi ontumaan molempia eturaajoja. Menimme päivystykseen, jossa otettiin veriarvot. Punasolut olivat romahtaneet ja saatiin diagnoosi IMPA/IMHA tai muu harvinainen immuunivälitteinen/autoimmunisairaus. Yritimme parhaamme, mutta Nanetten kunto ei kohentunut ja päädyimme lopetukseen 14.8.2024 minimoidaksemme Nanetten kärsimyksen. Eläinlääkäri suoritti ruumiinavauksen heti lopetuksen jälkeen että kasvaimen mahdollisuus saatiin rajattua pois. Ruumiinavauksessa todettiin epätavallinen perna (perna selkeästi muuttunut, heterotrofinen, epäsymmetrinen, nodulaarista pientä tummaa muutosta, perna on kova ja kuivan tuntuinen) sekä epätavallinen virtsarakko (virtsarakon alueella kiinnikkeitä, virtsarakon seinämä aavistuksen paksuuntuneen oloinen).
Sukutaulu - Pedigree
Line BB Family 9
Blek Foks Shogun Bi merle CEA affected, MDR1 +/- |
Rus & Kaz & RKF Ch Rus Jun & Club & Grand Ch Blek Foks Chic Blue Men Blue merle |
Rus & RKF Ch Blek Foks Rash Motley Victress Lighting Bi merle |
Rus & Rus Jun Ch Shamahanskaya Devitsa Iz Grafskogo Pomestija Tricolour |
Blek Foks Gret Sun Lait Tricolour |
Rus Jun Ch Blek Foks Yarkiy Sibiryak Sable & white |
Rus & Rus Jun Ch Blek Foks Happyness It I Sable & white |
Tooralie's Miss Molly Tricolour CEA clear, MDR1 +/- |
Sandwick Turn Back Time at Highbrook Tricolour HD 4/4, CEA clear, MDR1 +/-, BBS2-PRA clear |
Gb Ch Highbrook Harlequin Tricolour HD 6/3, CEA clear, BVA/KC/ISDS Eye Scheme Unaffected (10/2012) |
Sandwick Twist Of Fate JW Tricolour HD 6/6, CEA clear, MDR1 +/-, BVA/KC/ISDS Eye Scheme Unaffected (03/2016) |
Tooralie's Indigo Violet Blue merle CEA clear |
Gb Ch Casheldor Kingfisher at Morestyle Blue merle HD 6/6, CEA clear, MDR1 +/+ |
Tooralie's Pied Wagtail Black & white |
Sukusiitosprosentti 8:lla polvella 0,79 % – COI with 8 generations
Sukutaulussa 510 sukulaista tiedossa 510:stä – Known relatives (100%)
Sukutaulussa 316 eri yksilöä 510:stä – Different relatives (AVK 0,61)
10 generation COI: 1,2121 % (known relatives 100%)
15 generation COI: 11,4188 % (known relatives 98,7%)
20 generation COI: 22,9174 % (known relatives 97,0%)
25 generation COI: 24,6822 % (known relatives 95,8%)
30 generation COI: 24,685 % (known relatives 81,2%)
Sukusiitosprosenttien laskemiseen käytetty omaa tietokantaa ja ohjelmaa PedPub
COI’s have been calculated with private pedigree database using PedPub software
Näyttelytulokset - Show results and critiques
Helsinki Group Show 19.08.2023, judge Päivi Eerola (kennel Doing), Finland
”Ihana koko. Vankka luusto. Selvä sukupuolileima. Miellyttävä ilmeinen pää. Etuhammaspuutoksesta eläinlääkärin todistus. Välihampaita puuttuu. Täyteläinen miellyttävä pää. Hyvät korvat. Sopiva kaula. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä. Hieman korostunut ylälinja sekä liikkeessä että seistessä. Matalat kintereet. Hyvä väri. Melko hyvä karvanlaatu. Ihana temperamentti. Esitetään kauniisti edukseen. Hyvässä kunnossa.”
AVO-ERI AVK2 SA PN4 | Open Class EXC 2nd CQ BB4
Kalajoki International Show 23.07.2023, judge Pinja Hiltunen, Finland
”6v. Mittasuhteiltaan oikea. Hyvän kokoinen narttu. Kapea linjainen pää. Pyöreyttä kallossa. Hyvä vahva alaleuka. Kauniit tummat silmät. Hieman leveälle asettuneet korvat. Pään linjat saisi olla yhdensuuntaisemmat. Olkavarsi saisi olla pidempi. Hyvin täyttynyt eturinta. Hyvin kulmautuneet takaraajat. Hieman laskeva lantio. Kokoon sopiva luusto. Kauniit käpälät. Hieman pehmeä karvanlaatu. Kesäkarvassa. Liikkuu tasapainoisesti. Hieman kapeasti takaa. Kaunis esiintyminen.”
AVO-EH | Open Class VG
Saarijärvi All Breed Show 08.07.2023 judge Tarja Löfman, Finland
”6v mittasuhteiltaan ja kooltaan tyypillinen narttu. Hyvä purenta ja pigmentti. Silmät voisi olla suuremmat. Oikealinjainen pää. Erinomaiset etukulmaukset ja hieno eturinta. Hieman pehmeä runko. Ylälinja nousee lantiota kohti. Hyvät takakulmaukset. Liikkuu kapeasti takaa, sivulta hyvällä askelpituudella. Oikea-asentoinen häntä. Olisi edukseen hieman hoikemmassa kunnossa. Hyvä karvan laatu.”
AVO-ERI | Open Class EXC
MWSSC Open Show 05.03.2023 judge Irene Buchanan-Green (Iolair)
”5yrs B+W, typey chiselled head with good muzzle skull ratio, neat ears well set and used well, darkest almond eye giving mischievious expression, well constructed all through which showed in her balanced outline and fluid movement, in full black coat. Very pleasing example of the breed pleased to award her top spot today. BB. I judged her as a puppy and placed her well. She has matured beautifully and was a worthy winner today.”
Limit Bitch 1st & Best Bitch & Best Opposite Sex & Reserve Best In Show
NCSSC Championship Show 03.04.2022 judge Mrs Leanda Forbes (Degallo)
”Feminine black and white girl who I feel deserves a critique with the others in this class. Nice size, good bone and substance and carrying a good enough coat in fantastic condition. Very shapely which catches the eye, balanced and in proportion throughout. Head handles well, with well-placed eyes, neat ears and sweet expression. Good construction front and back which allowed her to move freely from all angles. Found herself in good company in this class and not one to be overlooked.”
Open Bitch 3rd
Mid Western SSC Open Show 06.03.2022 judge Angela Heald
Limit Bitch 1st
SSSC Championship Show 20.02.2022 judge Mrs Mary Glover-Guest
Limit Bitch Res
SSSC Championship Show 20.02.2022 judge Mrs Heather Bendelow (Amethrickeh)
Limit Bitch VHC
SSCNW Championship show 09.11.2019 judge Mrs M Daniels (Pepperhill)
Limit Bitch VHC
Midland Counties Championship show 26.10.2019 judge Michael Taylor
”2 y eye catching black/w. Well constructed throughout with no exaggerations. Nice head, dark eye, well set and carried ears. Clean neck, good shoulders and depth of chest. Level topline, nicely sloped croup, well set and carried tail. Strode out well.”
Limit Bitch 2nd
ESSC Championship show Oct 2019 judge Mrs Jan Moody (Janetstown)
Open Bitch (Tricolour/B&W) Res
YSSC Open Show 06.10.2019 judge Mr Chris Attard (Satriblue), Malta
Limit Bitch 1st & Best Bitch
Darlington Championship show 14.09.2019 judge Mr J Peach
”This lovely black/white was in super coat, super head, well filled foreface, presented and shown so well, moved with ease.”
Post Graduate Bitch 1st
Ryedale & Pickering Open show 30.07.2019 judge Sally Pointon
Best Of Breed & Pastoral Group 1st & BEST IN SHOW
Richmond Championship show 07.09.2019 judge Linda Whittington (Tighness)
”B/w who was unlucky to meet first as she is also a lovely bitch with a super racy shape and really good bend of stifle and short hocks. Very clean well proportioned head with the darkest of correctly shaped eyes, quite hard to achieve in this colour, giving her an air of mischief. Neatly tipped and well carried ears, good reach of neck and lovely sweep over the croup and an intense black in colour, she moved well but not quite the forward reach of the winner which was the deciding factor. Still a close decision and I’m sure these two nice bitches will change places many times and we will hear a lot more of both of them.”
Yearling Bitch 2nd
Birmingham Championship show 31.08.2019 judge Gwen Beaden (Myriehewe)
Yearling Bitch 3rd
SKC Championship show 25.08.2019 judge Mrs S Hewart-Chambers
”Pleasing girl, with good profile shape. Feminine head and expression, dark eyes, tipped ears and very alert. Good substance and front and rear angulation, good ribbing, level top line with rise to loin, moved out easily.”
Limit Bitch 2nd
NW&PBS Championship show 13.07.2019 judge Mrs Betty Peach
”B/W a very feminine lady with a very inquisitive expression, well placed ears, balanced head pattern. Sound body and well structured quarters both ends. Super showgirl.”
Yearling Bitch 2nd
ESSC Summer Open show 22.06.2019 judge Darren Clarke (Peluche)
”Ultra feminine b/w bitch. Good outline. Pleasing enough in head and uses her ears to advantage. Dark eye of correct shape, just a bit closely set. Good to go over on the table. Lovely coat. Moved out well.”
Post Graduate Bitch 2nd
MWSSC Open show 03.03.2019 judge Iain Forbes (Wellneuk)
”Black and white in excellent coat which was absolutely gleaming. Ideal for size, very shapely and stood and showed well for her handler.”
Yearling Bitch 2nd
SSSC Championship show 17.02.2019 judge Mr J Ritchie (Dykebar)
Yearling Bitch 3rd
SSCW Open show 20.01.2019 judge Mr D Weller (Evad)
Yearling Bitch 3rd
Huddersfield & DCA Open show 10.02.2019 judge Jacky Cutler
”Sixteen month old striking black and white bitch with a lovely head. Dark eyes, well placed ears and good underjaw. Well balanced throughout, holds her topline and overall is very nicely put together. Well handled and moved out with style.”
Junior Class 1st
Manchester Championship show 17.01.2019 judge Mr Graham Hill (Dimland)
Yearling Bitch Res
Boston & DCS Championship show 03.01.2019 judge Irene Buchanan-Green (Iolair)
Post Graduate Bitch 3rd
SSCNW Championship show 10.11.2018 judge Mrs P East (Jacquard)
Junior Bitch 3rd
Belfast Champiomship show 30.09.2018 judge Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
Puppy Bitch 3rd
Driffield Championship show 20.09.2018 judge Mrs Mary Glover-Guest
Puppy Bitch 3rd
Darlington Championship show 15.09.2018 judge Mrs A A Stafford (Rannerdale)
”Super b/w bitch with nicely refined head and expression is lovely which isn’t easy in this colour. Excels in body shape and balance having a perfect topline making a lovely picture in stance. Has charisma and verve on the move when she really can cover the ground. I liked her and think with a bit more coat and maturity should do well. Close up and unlucky to meet the winner but sure her turn will come.”
Puppy Bitch 2nd
Richmond Championship show 08.09.2018 judge Lisa J Pettitt
Puppy Bitch 3rd
Scottish Kennel Club Championship show 26.08.2018 judge Mrs F. I. Kaye
Puppy Bitch 3rd
Welsh KC Championship show 18.08.2018 judge Mr Tom H Johnston
”Good skull, dark eye and well placed ears. Liked her bone type and size, very nice youngster, but not as together as winner”
Puppy Bitch 2nd
CAC Specialty Show Amsterdam 11.08.2018 judge C.V. Sudarsan, India
Junior Class Excellent 1st
World Dog Show Amsterdam 10.08.2018 judge Loes Mouchart-Kleingeld, Netherlands
Junior Class Excellent 2nd
Benelux Winner Show 09.08.2018 judge Anders Tunold-Hanssen, Norway
Junior Class Very Good 1st
Leeds Championship show 29.07.2018 judge John Carter
Puppy Bitch 3rd
Blackpool & DCS Championship show 25.07.2018 judge Angela Heald (Cashella)
”B/w. This young lady is so feminine, correct blunt wedge head with the sweetest expression. Very shapely, finished with a long tail, soundly constructed which showed in her forward reaching front movement and good drive from hindquarters.”
Puppy Bitch 1st & Best Puppy Bitch & Best Puppy
York Canine Association Open show 22.07.2018 judge ?, group judge Tom Mather
Best Puppy & Pastoral Puppy Group 4th
NW&PBS Championship show 14.07.2018 judge Miss S Main (Shenachie)
”Lovely Black & White also in very good coat for age which was a gleaming jet black. She is very good for size with correct rounded bone and nice shape. Lovely head and expression for a black & white. Correct flat skull with level head plains good stop, needs to fill a little in foreface, which should come with age and nice underjaw. Nice eye shape of correct dark borrows obliquely set. Ear well used and very nicely set. Lovely length of neck nice shoulder placement but not the upperarm of winner. Good depth of chest, level top line with lovely sweep over loin with well let down short strong hocks. Movement was nicely balanced but not quite the forward reach and drive of winner and needs to settle a little in front.”
Puppy Bitch 2nd
EOE Championship show 08.07.2018 judge Mrs Kathleen Main (Shenachie)
Puppy Bitch 3rd
Wombwell & DCS Open show 01.07.2018 judge Tina Cant
”Black & white 8m bitch, a petite, but so beautiful bitch, liked everything about her, lacked the maturity of my winner, but one for the future I’m sure.”
Puppy Class 2nd
Windsor Championship show 30.06.2018 judge Mrs Stella Clark (Astrellita)
”A very rare black and white and even rarer to have such an outstanding expression. Not often seen on a black and white, lovely head, good neck, and shoulder placement is already very good. Coat is jet black and gleaming and she moved with minimum effort to cover the ground well. One that I would like to own, should have a bright future.”
Minor Puppy Bitch 2nd
ESSC Summer Show 17.06.2018 judge Mr Chris Attard (Satriblue), Malta
”An 8mths that caught my eye as soon as she came into the ring, of correct head type, sweet expression, neat ears which she used well non-stop. Good reach of neck with correct shoulder placement and adequate depth of chest. Moved and showed well for such a youngster. Lovely temperament. Was pleased to award her.”
Minor Puppy Bitch 1st & Best Puppy Bitch & Best Puppy In Show
Border Union Championship show 16.06.2018 judge Mrs D Rowan (Rowancrest)
Minor Puppy Bitch 3rd
Ashield S.C. Open show 10.06.2018 judge Doug Bedford (Chateaunewf)
”Another quality pup, this 8 month black and white female has the most attentive and endearing expression lovely dark eye and excellent ear set, well proportioned and straight in leg, excellent tail set and length, moved really well.”
Junior 2nd & Reserve Best Of Breed
Three Counties Championship show 08.06.2018 judge Mr Barrie M Croft (Malcro)
”Oh I was so taken with this little girl, attitude or what she is lovely but she knows it, very feminine, super head eye and a lovely reach of neck that with her body shape gives her a lovely profile, She shouts quality. In super jacket, must have an exciting future and she can move.”
Minor Puppy Bitch 1st
Southern Counties Championship show 02.06.2018 judge Ian Isdale (Viewdale)
Minor Puppy Bitch VHC
Scottish Kennel Club Championship show 18.05.2018 judge Mr Keith Nathan
”Black & white, just 7 months and when you look at her you just have to smile, her head is just so pleasing, so very feminine, sweet expression from her well shaped dark eyes, neat ears, carried correctly, good balance of skull and muzzle, sound in body with well made rib, good angulation front and rear, she just fills the eye, and is very sound and typical. Got to be a future star.”
Puppy Bitch 1st & Best Puppy Bitch
YSSC Championship show 06.05.2018 judge Mr Brian Hull (Lizmark)
”B/w, good foreface and correct eye placement and shape, well used ears. Good reach of neck into good shoulder angulation. Good topline, well bent stifles and a lovely long tail. Moved well and looked good when standing in profile.”
Minor Puppy Bitch 2nd
WELKS Championship show 27.04.2018 judge Mrs Lyn Roberts
”Another promising baby.”
Minor Puppy Bitch 3rd